woman in hot yoga class

Welcome to Your Hot Yoga Experience

We’re excited not only to offer both hot and non-hot yoga classes at Eleven26 Yoga in King George, Virginia, but we also enhance your experience with our infrared heating panels!

Infrared Heating Panels

Our infrared heating panels are designed to directly heat the body without raising the air temperature to uncomfortable levels, whereas traditional heaters heat the air in the room (causing you to sweat due to being in a hot environment). Many people find that the softer heat provided by the panels allows them to stay comfortable during their yoga practice, which gives the body more time to release waste from the system.

The Benefits of Infrared Therapy

Infrared heat is a leading therapy for a multitude of health issues. Current research points to the extreme benefits of infrared therapy for:

  • Reducing Pain
  • Reducing Stress
  • Augmenting Weight Loss
  • Clearing Skin Issues
  • Enhancing Muscular Health
  • Experiencing Better Sleep
  • Increasing and Improving Circulation
  • And more!

Schedule an Infrared Yoga Class Today!

Not only will it help you experience an amazing yoga practice but will also offer the added benefit of Infrared Heat Therapy!

We offer two hot/heated classes: Hot 26 and Heated Vinyasa. Click here to sign up to try one out TODAY!